Upload, preserve, protect, organize and share important content, documents, brand assets and corporate records online & in minutes.

Upload and secure files

Quickly upload

  • Safeguard valuable files in the cloud

Safe and secure

  • Files automatically backed up, stored and secured in leading cloud facilities (i.e. AWS, Azure)

  • Accepts all types of digital assets, preserving all of your valuable files.


Organize assets easier

Find, enrich and organize

  • Add metadata, rearrange collections, and keyword search to rapidly find what you need

Enable online discovery

  • Easily (and securely) make your files available online as needed

Support and services

  • Help through free concierge service and responsive ticketing system

Simple pricing

$22 per month per user

Minimum 3 users

First 100GB storage free ($0.05 per GB after 100GB)

Build workflows

TACTIC Method includes a complete workflow engine, handling anything from simple & linear to complex workflows.

Complete Digital Asset Management

Combine TACTIC Atlas with TACTIC Method to create an end-to-end digital asset management system.


What our customers are saying…